Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Gifts: Partly Dreaming


This fantasy I hold,
Brings cheer and joy.
In my mind I mold,
An image so coy.

I carefully keep,
This dreams untold.
Having a rem sleep,
I eagerly withhold.

Drawn in my mind,
The image of you.
In the skies above,
Seems so far but true.

Tomorrow's a new day,
Hoping as I pray.
Wishing, I'll dream of you,
Over the clouds I drew.

-written March 28, 2009
a gift for blesh,
gep for nar, supposed to be about clouds but I can't seems to create a too cheerful poem, I don't know why, probably its not me.. but I was glad Nar liked it.. thanks bunso labya :kiss:


Here, I sit on the sand by the shore
Blankly, watching the sun as it goes
This cycle that has come to an end
Indication for me, to no longer pretend

We shared our lives and promise to love
Then I was taken for grated, push and shove
I never felt so empty in my whole life
Until I realize I'm alone, by your side

Don't be too complacent my dear
Remember, I may not always be here
A bubble could vanish instantly
Like patience that goes downhill quickly

I know, I have to understand
And that’s what I'm doing all the time
But how can I hold hands with just one
And with an empty space next to mine

Today I decided to end it all
It’s hard, I tell you, I feel miserable
But that’s the only way for me to live
For us not to lose the respect we built

-written April 1, 2009
a gift fro angel,
gep for sizh fink, she ask me if I could write her a poem, about what recently happen in her life.. she wanted bitterness and emptiness on the poem, reflecting what had happened.. I know part of her story but according to her I interpreted her vision well, without giving me enough details.. talented? I guess not, I can relate, I just wrote my own feelings about the topic.. yes, I have my fair share on bitterness and emptiness lately, hep before anybody reacts, for the record this isn't abut my love life.. I'm in denial, yes until now I can't accept the fact that we have to move on and look for greener pasture :sigh:.. Even though I had this idea, I felt like its too soon.. hayz I'm still hoping to wake up and realize that its just a bad dream.. hopes.. :sigh:

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